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Join Sql Classes in Nagpur at CiiT

Oracle Sql Course -  Learn SQL from basic to an expert level

Job-Oriented Course with Comprehensive Syllabus at an Affordable Fee - 100% Placement Assistance

   SQL (Structured Query Language) also known as Sequeal is used to communicate with databases. Sql is designed for managing data in a relational database. Sql is used in software development by programmers and in data analysis. Learning SQL can significantly boost your career in IT industry.

SQL Course PreRequisite : No prior coding experience is required. This course is designed such that anyone or beginners willing to learn SQL can take it.

SQL Course Duration : 1 Month                        PL/SQL Course

Oracle SQL (Structured Query Language) Syllabus

Sql Classes in Nagpur
  • Introduction to Databases
  • Overview, importance, types and components of databases
  • Introduction to SQL and its role in managing databases
  • Databases used in industry eg. Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, DB2 etc
  • History and Introduction of Oracle Database and its features
  • Installing Oracle Database
  • Dbms and Rdbms Concept and key differences between them
  • Normalization
  • Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram)
  • What is SQL( Structured Query Language)
  • Role of SQL in Database Management
  • SQL Vs NoSQL Vs Elastic SQL
  • Understanding SQL Syntax
  • Different type of SQL statements
  •   Data Definition Language (DDL) (Create, Alter, Drop, Rename ,Truncate) - Table, View, Synonyms
  •   Data Manipulation Language (DML) (Insert, Update, Delete)
  •   Transaction Control Language(TCL) (Commit, Rollback, Savepoint, Set Transaction)
  •   Data Control Language (DCL) (Grant and Revoke)
  •   Data Query Language (DQL) (Select, From, Where, Group By, Having, Order by)
  • Atomicity (Row, Statement)
  •    Use of Ampersand : &, &&
  • Select Syntax : Select, From, Where, Group by, Having clause
  • Data Retrival from Single and Multiple Table
  • Different type of JOINs
  • Cartesian product/Cross Product
  • Sub-Query, Scalar SubQuery in Select,
  • Self Join, Outer join, Left join, right join
  • Hierarchical / Tree Structured Query
  • Pseudo Columns (Rowid, Rownum, User, Uid, Level)
  • Integrity Constraints (Add, Enable, Disable, Drop)
  •   Domain Constraint: (DataType, Width, Null, Check)
  •   Key Constraint: (Primary, Foreign, Unique)
  • Operators
  • Set/Expression (Intersect, Minus, Union)
  • Row (All, Distinct, Prior, Connect By)
  • Logical (All, And, Any, Between, Exits, In, Not In, Like, Or, Some,)
  • Comparison/Relational ((), =, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=)
  • Arithmetic (+, -, *, /, **)
  • Evaluation Order
  • Aggregate/Group Functions
  • Sum(), Avg(), Min(), Max(), Count()
  • Number Functions
  •   Abs(), Ceil(), Floor(), Mod(), Power(), Round(), Sqrt(), Trunc()
  • Date Functions
  •   Add_Month(), Last_Day(), Months_Between(), Next_Day(), Extract()
  • Character Functions
  •   Ascii(), Chr(), Initcap(), Instr(), Substr(), Length(), Lower(), Upper(), Lpad(), Rpad(), Ltrim(), Rtrim(), Translate(), Soundex()
  • Conversion Functions
  •   To_Char(), To_Date()
  • Others Functions
  •   Greatest(), Least(), Decode(), Nvl()
  • Analytical Queries using Advanced SQL Functions
  • Case Expressions
  • Multiple Insert Statement
  • Merge Statement
  • Regular Expression
  • Statistical Functions
  • Model Quries
  • Backup

Basic SQL Syntax :
Create Table Courses(Id Number(2) , Name Varchar(40) , 
                  Constraint pk_course_id Primary Key(Id), Constraint uk_course_name  Unique(Name));
Create Table Students (RollNo Number(4), Name Varchar(15), BirthDate Date, Course Number(2),
                       Constraint pk_Rollno Primary Key(rollno),
 		       Constraint fk_course Foreign Key(Course)  References  Courses(Id) );

Insert Into Courses Values(1 , 'Java Course');					  
Insert Into Courses Values(2 , 'Java FullStack Developer Course');					  
Insert Into Courses Values(3 , 'SQL Course');					  
Insert Into Courses Values(4 , 'PL/SQL Course');

Insert into Students Values(1,'Sachin','01-Jan-2000', 3);
Insert into Students Values(2,'Anup','5-Feb-2000', 1);
Insert into Students Values(3,'Nitin','15-Jun-2000', 2);
Insert into Students Values(4,'Anup','5-Feb-2000', 1); 

Delete Students Where RollNo = 4;                     -- Duplicate Row
Update Students Set Name = 'Mr.'||Name Where RollNo = 1;

Select * from Tab;                                    -- Table List
Select * from Courses;                                -- List all courses
Select * from Students;                               -- List all Students

Select s.RollNo, s.Name, s.BirthDate, c.Name Course   -- List data from multiple tables  
From   Students s, Courses c                          -- Cartesian product
Where = s.course                                -- Equi Join 
Order  by s.RollNo Asc;                               -- Sort data in ascending order of roll no

Create View Course_Student_View  As                   -- Create VIEW
Select c.Name Course, Count(s.rollno) Total_Students  
From Courses c, Students s 
Where = s.course 
Group by;

Desc  Course_Student_View;

Select * from  Course_Student_View;                   -- List data from VIEW

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